
Adult X Token Based on the Blockchain technology

Selamat sore salam sejaterah brother and sister !! Dihari ini yang cerah saya ingin membahas tentang perusahaan yang sangat menjanjikan ini... Selamat menikmati pembahasan artikel saya!!! Sebelum itu, saya akan mengajak anda untuk menyaksikan tontonan tentang proyek ini, silahkan simak bersama di bawah ini... Memiliki sebuah usaha memang menjadi impian bagi sebagian orang. Tak jarang mereka akan melakukan berbagai upaya untuk menciptakan segala kemungkinan terbaik untuk usaha mereka. Salah satunya adalah proyek ini yang memiliki strategi yang baik untuk memasarkan produk mereka. Nah sebenarnya banyak sekali proyek di luar sana yang bagus, namun proyek ini sangat memiliki keungulan yang berbeda yang bisa anda gunakan untuk berinvestasi di masa panjang, oleh karena itu saya akan membahas secara garis besar cara kinerja proyek ini... Menjadi perusahaan Terbaik di seluruh dunia adalah suatu cita-cita bagi proyek ini, sebuah perusahaan yang efektif yang sudah mapan ini. Dengan jumla


Mungkin Anda ingat permainan crypto terkenal yang diluncurkan pada 28 November 2017 dan mencapai rekor kehadiran dalam beberapa hari dengan mengumpulkan beberapa juta dolar, tetapi popularitas cryptocurrent ini adalah kerugian - permainan berjalan di Ethereum dan pada puncak ketenaran serius memperlambat jaringan beberapa transaksi. Sekarang minat kucing kripto telah mereda secara signifikan karena fakta bahwa tidak ada perkembangan dan banyak masalah dalam game. Nah, untuk menggantikan yang lama, selalu muncul yang baru  , MonsterBit  mengambil ide, mengembangkan dan memperbaiki kekurangan, menambahkan semua jenis chip dan tentu saja karakter yang saya suka, misalnya, lebih banyak lagi. Masing-masing dari kita memiliki anak yang hidup dalam jiwa kita, dan sekarang saya melihat monster-monster ini, yah, saya akan membeli dan merawat semua orang dan mereka akan menghargai yang tidak biasa. MonsterBit  adalah tiruan dari permainan kripto terkenal dengan tambahan yang sangat menar

GYM Ledger ; ödüllü spor aktiviteleri kripto cüzdanı

Günümüz insanlığının en büyük problemlerinden biri hareketsiz ve spordan uzak yaşam tarzı. Geçtiğimiz yüzyılın sonları artık insanların ofislerde, masa başında çalışarak para kazanabilecekleri bir çok yeni iş alanının ortaya çıktığı bir dönemdi. Son yıllarda ise sözünü ettiğimiz hareketsiz iş hayatı insanların büyük çoğunluğunu spordan uzak bir yaşama hapsetmiş durumda. Özellikle büyük şehirlerde hem çalışma saatleri içerisindeki hareketsizlik hem de bir yerden bir yere giderken ulaşım araçlarının kullanılması sebebiyle iyice hantallaşan bedenler bir çok sağlık problemini de beraberinde getirmekte maalesef. Vücudumuzu maksimum düzeyde sağlıklı ve zinde tutmak için spor ve egzersiz olmazsa olmazımızdır. Stresli geçen yaşantı, tükenmişlik sendromu gibi etkenler de insanların spor yapmasına engel olan psikolojik durumlar. Yani spor yapmamız için bizi teşvik edecek yeni şeylere ihtiyacımız olduğu gün gibi ortada. Tam da bu konuda bize destek olmayı hedefleyen bir proje hayat geçmiş d

AIVON is a decentralized blockchain platform

Hello dear friends! We will talk about the AIVON project. AIVON is a decentralized blockchain platform and protocol built on an Artificial Intelligence (AI) network and a community of human experts working together to generate normalized and enhanced metadata for video content Specialized AI algorithms will be deployed on mining nodes, so that miners’ CPU and GPU resources can be used to scan media files, generate the enhanced metadata including time-coded tags, classification, categories, transcripts and translations, and an index of the video objects. AIVON platform will use AI to define a confidence score for each of several content safety attributes, such as: nudity, adult, offensive language, hate speech, violence, guns, alcohol etc.  These confidence scores will be combined into a vector called a ContentGraphTM which can be visualized as a bar graph. AIVON uses a network of freelancers with skills in tagging, metadata management, transcribing and transl

[ICO] Vendio - advertising video platform

Welcome my dear readers. Today I want to introduce you to a very promising project. The project has very high ratings. And I am sure that from this project you can get a very high income.Since I saw in this project a high investment attractiveness, which is confirmed by high ratings. And so meet.Vendio is a digital video advertising interactive platform that bridges the communication gap between publisher content, viewers 'and advertisers' interest by seamlessly connecting relevant ads to media publishers consumed by the viewer. The platform implements its own tagging algorithm added to video content fragments at a specific time and for a specific duration of the video selected by the publisher. These tags accurately describe the visual content displayed in a certain period of time. Also, data in tags and information about assets are transferred to potential advertisers to select the publisher. Who choose the best advertising that meets the specific needs of publishers.


I would be lying If I told you a betting ICO is a rare thing, actually there are many out there. And even many post-ico betting projects are available. But still, there is something that makes Betform unique; social aspects of it. This is a peer to peer gaming platform. The description on their site reminded me of Xbox Live. You can invite your friends to a table, you can join them and even making new friends is a possibility on this platform. We are in the age of social networks, so creating a betting platform with social dynamics in mind is a pretty decent idea. They have an MVP available already: Checking out their MVP is a must for everyone interested in the Betform project. I created an account easily, inside the MVP 3 games welcomed me. Daily rewards, leagues, friends, shops were the sections at the interface. You get to choose designs for your avatar, dealer, table and carpet. This is just the version 0.1 and there is room for growth no

Trade Pharma Network

Trade Pharma Network is a EU-licensed brokerage platform and an international pharma-centric marketplace of choice for buyers & sellers performing routine transactions of medicines. Our Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven platform uses powerful AI algorithms to enable efficient search & digital matchmaking between our key stakeholders but also Blockchain as we envision a future where every physical medicine has a digital history, allowing our users to trace and verify its origins, attributes and ownership to fight efficiently against counterfeit medicines, in Europe & Worldwide. ​We are also providing a full suite of services that facilitate information exchange, communication and transactions between pharma and healthcare institutions. About Trade Pharma Network Trade Pharma Network is a EU-licensed brokerage platform and an international pharma-centric marketplaceof choice for buyers & sellers performing routine transactions of medicines. Our Artificial Intell